
A Little Snapshot of an Annual Plant...

By ACS Distance Education on September 17, 2013 in Horticulture / Gardening | comments


Genus: Lathyrus

Common Name: Vetchling, Wild Pea, Sweet Pea

Origin: Temperate zones including Europe, North America, temperate parts of South America. Lathyrus odoratus is native to Italy.

Appearance: Leaves pinnate with upper-most pair modified into tendrils. Flowers pea-shaped and come in a huge range of colours.

Culture: Fertile, well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. If grown in pots, keep well-watered. Deadhead frequently to prolong flowering.

Propagation: Seed in early autumn or spring. Ideally sow in modules and overwinter in cold frame. Can be sown ‘in situ’,  in mid-spring.

Health: Powdery mildew may develop if soil is not moist enough. Other fungal problems include downy mildew on young plants and damping off of seedlings. Grey mould may develop in wet conditions. Fusarium wilt can cause splitting and yellowing of tissue, and various viruses can cause distorted or stunted growth. Slugs, snails, aphids and thrips can be a problem.

Uses: Easy-to-grow climber, good for covering unsightly fences/walls/banks. Many cultivars are highly scented. Lathyrus latifolius a good bee plant.

Cultivars/Species: Around 150 species including L. latifolius, L.nervosus, L. odoratus, L. eucosmos, L. heterophyllus, L. pratensis. Cultivars:  ‘Apricot Sprite’, ‘Katherine’, ‘Hampton Court’, ‘Fragrantissima’, ‘Chatsworth’, ‘Sweet Dreams’, and hundreds more.

Read all about Annuals in the Growing and Knowing Annuals ebook.