
More Opportunity Now than Ever

By ACS Distance Education on May 18, 2012 in Careers and Jobs | comments
Can you see the fantastic opportunities for business and employment?

Most people can't, because their perception of tomorrows world is rooted in the past. I hear people talk about depressed retail and tourism industries; businesses going into receivership (or worse), mass redundancies in construction and manufacturing; and instability in the European currency. I've heared people say the can't wait for the world to return to "normal". Comments like this are enough to make anyone give up; that is until you look closer and start to discover some unbelievable success stories.

What is going on then?

As I see it, the world is restructuring; organically. A whole lot of factors are kicking in and having an impact upon the global economy, causing it to change in a way that is beyond the control of politicians, economists, or the systems that we had set up to manage and control what was a different world.
These factors are by no means all negative; in fact most of them are arguably very positive developments that have the potential to lead us to a better world.
Consider technological advancement; globalisation, social media, robotics, mapping of the human genome, etc.

Todays world is not just different; but it is changing constantly, rapidly and dramatically; but most people have not yet come to grips with that fact. Those who are grappling with change, and striving to find opportunities in these changes are the ones who are being most successful

In the past you could conceive a career or business idea, which you wanted to persue, then investigate, plan and move toward your goal over a period of years. In todays world, the premis upon which you made the decision to do something may have completely changed by the time you reach what you had aimed for. This old way of thinking is redundant. We need new systems for planning and managing our careers and employment, and every other aspect of our life. We need to be constantly revising and adapting to change; and taking action at a speed which is more appropriate to today's world.
Five and ten year plans might not work the same way as they did in the past.