

By ACS Bookshop on August 13, 2014 in Horticulture / Gardening | comments
Grasses are perhaps the most important plant family of all to mankind. They provide us with important cereal crops, food for grazing animals, playing surfaces for most of our sports, fresh and dried cut flowers, culinary and perfumery herbs, and are extremely important for building and other construction (ie. Bamboos); particularly across the tropics.

Employer Compatibility

By ACS Bookshop on August 7, 2014 in Business & Careers and Jobs | comments

Some people can fit a job well; but they also need to fit the organisation.

Every organisation is different in the way it operates.


  • An employee who works best when given freedom to shine; and hates being under close supervision
  • Another employee who is meticulous and most effective when given well defined instructions to follow

Some employers can be control freaks; running their organisation rigidly according to highly structured procedures; but other bosses can be free spirits, adopting what may seem a completely opposite approach to management. What might happen if either employee worked under an incompatible employer?

Click & read more -adapted from Sept 2014 ebook on Occupational Psychology