
One of the most important and earliest decisions to make when writing any type of story is "what point of view" to speak from.

When we talk about point of view (POV) in a novel, we’re usually referring to narration and perspective. The difference between first, second, and third person narration, with a note on the difference between third person limited and third person omniscient narration.

The following is advice extrapolated from one of our books - How to Write a Novel"

To see more about the book, or purchase a copy online, click here


Growing Corn

By ACS Bookshop on January 18, 2018 in Agriculture | comments

Corn is one of those plants most of us know, and eat in one form or  another. It is often grown in a home garden, but more importantly it is a major, significantly important crop. Farming grain crops like corn, or other broad acre crops like cotton or sunflower (grown for oil), is  part of a sector of agriculture called "agronomy".

We have developed both courses and ebooks that can help you learn more about agronomy, if that is your area of interest. If so, just ask for advice and we can help.