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THE ADOLESCENT : Development, Relationships and Culture

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This book presents both psychological and sociological aspects as well as educational, demographic and economic data.


Part One: Adolescence - The Social Context of Adolescence, Adolescents in Theoretical Context, Adolescent Diversity: Socioeconomic Status and Ethnicity.

Part Two: Growth - Body Issues, Cognitive Development: Improvements in Thinking, Reasoning and Decision making.

Part Three: The Self - Self Concept, Identity, Ethnicity and Gender, The Development of Moral Values.

Part Four: Social Relationships - Relationships with Family Members, Different Family Patterns, Being a Member of the Adolescent Subculture and Sexual Behaviors.

Part Five: Educational and Vocational Development - Education and School, Work and Vocation

Part Six: Psychosocial Problems - Adolescent Stress and Alienation, Substance Abuse, Addiction and Dependency.

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THE ADOLESCENT : Development, Relationships and Culture THE ADOLESCENT : Development, Relationships and Culture
$120.95 In stock